National digital ID to fail as before: Clarke

The newest attempt to put your id on the skids and turn your ego into a moniker to sigh for, aka your National Identity Profile, is likely to launch this year.  Reportedly Finance Minister Katy Gallagher is readying your cyborg number for tattooing: will you stand up and be counted?  Do we combine to nip in the bud this bid to perpetuate Anthony ‘Albo’ Albanese as Aussie 0000000001? Prof Roger Clarke opines.

Q. to CLA: How about we adopt an Australia Card?

It sounds so simple, just adopt an ID card that you must carry with you everywhere to ‘sign in’ during the Covid-19 pandemic. But how quickly would surveillance-creep go viral, and your movements be subjected to watching and recording every second of every day, all year, everywhere, by the police, spooks and governments? Massive safeguards are needed to protect our privacy and our private information, CLA says.

Are we losing our liberties?

Are Australians losing liberties under the pandemic? There’s a strict, legal answer…and then the practical reality of what’s occurring. But the real lesson is that only eternal vigilance – and a federal Human Rights Act – will protect our freedoms. ‘The struggle for civil liberties is a journey that’s never ending,’ former High Court judge, Michael Kirby, says.