Civil Liberties Australia

Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Civil Liberties Australia

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Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.

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  • CLArion July 2024: Top to Bottom, corruption and culture overhaul needed

    1 July 2024

    Darwin becomes the corruption capital of Australia this month as a major conference alights on fertile soil in the Top End. In the Far South, politicians are trying to solve judicial dilemmas by changing the deck chairs, when it’s the state’s culture,  secrecy and establishment that lies at the core of most problems. Both jurisdictions need a Human Rights Act to help save the little people from the powers-that-will-always-be. Meanwhile, the federal HRA campaign is quiescent, but boosted by Australians realising how important Julian Assange’s rights and liberty became to most of us. 

    Other items this issue include:

    • Croucher, Klugman, lawyers and Jesuit priest line up for federal HR Act
    • NT Special & TASMANIA SpeciaL: Overhauls needed Top to Bottom 
    • ’No Rights Without Remedy’ becomes law
    • Courts crisis: science denial, experts may go missing
    • Judges lowering the proof bar to ensure more rape convictions
    • Heaven, help us: drones need new law, academics say

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  • CLArion June 2024: Time for a Human Rights Act !

    1 June 2024

    A federal parliament committee has urged the Albanese government to enact a Human Rights Act for Australia. The Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, chaired by Labor MHR Josh Burns, made 17 wide-raning and positive recommendations in a report released on 30 May. Australia needs to protect human rights in law like other liberal democracies do, mount a major national education campaign, and school all public servants to fully consider human rights. Parliament itself needs to scrutinise human rights much more closely, the committee also says.

    Other items in the June issue include:

    • Campaign breakthrough after four years and 14-month inquiry
    • Where are HR Acts up to in the states and territories?
    • Coroner says proposed new law not needed
    • Weasel word ’significant’ gets new meaning
    • There is no ‘right to vote’ in America
    • Do children have a right to hug their parents?

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  • Tassie to get Human Rights Act?

    1 May 2024

    For the second time, the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute is urging its parliament to pass a Human Rights Act to benefit the citizens of the state. Following a strong recommendation in 2007, the TLRI has released its 2024 Update, calling for MPs to pass a Human Rights Act, for all laws passed by parliament to be compatible with it, and for a ’no rights without remedy’, direct way for Tasmanians to access justice if their rights are breached by bureaucrats.

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  • CLArion May 2024: Covid inquiry demands human rights base

    1 May 2024

    Four different public inquiries have been investigating problems around how Australia has handled the COVID-19 pandemic. One inquiry only recommends basing further detailed probes into lessons for the future on the basis of the human rights of Australians. The C-19 issue sits alongside key questions generally about whether police, prosecutors and the courts are letting Australia down. It is time for a national inquiry into justice: there has never been one.

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