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Statistics show Citizenship Test is biased

Statistics show Citizenship Test is biased

Who the heck is Don Bradman anyway? … Testing does *NOT* "play a valuable role" in helping anybody understand
rights and responsibilities.

According to Immigration’s statistics, merely 1% – 3% of candidate citizens from English-speaking or Commonwealth countries failed the Citizenship Test.  However, up to 30% of those from war-torn,
non-English-speaking countries – Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq – failed.
People who most need a chance; whose human rights Australia claims to advocate.
Are we going to deny the security of citizenship to sincere, hard-working people because they’ve never used a computer, English is not their native language, they don’t understand fully the Westminster system of government, or they don’t know who Don Bradman is?
Testing does *NOT* "play a valuable role" in helping anybody understand
rights and responsibilities. [Senator Evans, 29 January]  All testing does is examine what someone remembers at test-time.
So – is it more important to remember who Don Bradman is, or to ring 000 in an emergency?

Judy Bamberger, O’Connor ACT (online contribution)

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