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Lindy’s request should be granted

Lindy’s request should be granted

The Editor, The Australian, Sir: I respond to your report by David Nason “Lindy savages police investigation of Azaria” The Australian 18 Aug 2010, p.3.

I noted at the time, 30 years ago, that the first coroner’s report by Denis Barritt had cleared Mrs Chamberlain of any wrong doing. However, because of a most unprofessional police investigation, Lindy was convicted for the death of baby Azaria.

The case went to the High Court of Australia after all the criminal courts found her guilty. Even though the High Court by majority upheld her conviction, there was a great judge of the High Court who often was in the minority of many of his judgements. His common sense judgement in this case was ignored by his fellow judges. Justice Lionel Murphy stated in his judgment that there was no weapon, no body, and no motive. His judgement – if agreed by his fellow judges – would have acquitted her, but his fellow judges and a lot of citizens of the Northern Territory, led by the mass media, condemned Lindy Chamberlain and they were hell bent that she was guilty as sin.

Later of course, after she had served some time in prison, it was found that vital evidence was flawed and she was pardoned. She wasn’t happy with that, and legislation was changed so that she had the opportunity to be cleared by a more appropriate tribunal, the Northern Territory Court of Criminal appeal, who quashed her conviction in light of the new evidence.

I’m sure now that the citizens of Australia, particularly the Northern Territory, would welcome Lindy Chamberlain request for the issuing of a new death certificate to record that Azaria’s death was caused by a dingo.

Brian G Tennant,
member of Civil Liberties Australia,
Subiaco, Perth

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