Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Unwitting service to al-Qaeda

Unwitting service to al-Qaeda

I write to applaud The Canberra Times editorial (April 2, 2007). It is a deeply thoughtful and challenging piece. We in Civil Liberties Australia are deeply disturbed by the response to terrorism that is basically lawless, and breeches fundamental human rights.

As the editorial states, the whole circumstance of Guantanamo Bay, rendition (or kidnapping) and military commissions have been a disaster for the United States and its allies.

These policies have led to the fallacy/idiocy of defending freedoms by suspending them.

And these elemental issues are of far greater importance to Australia than the individual David Hicks, tragic though his story is.

Citizens will judge a government which failed in its ordinary obligation to protect its citizens and is failing in its duty to keep Australia an open and just society which protects basic human rights.

Dr Kris Klugman, president of Civil Liberties Australia (Canberra Times letter)

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