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Should medical marijuana be legal?

Should medical marijuana be legal?

nsw parlShould Australia allow medical marijuana for pain relief – and, like the USA, free up recreational use of the drug? The NSW Parliament may lead the nation.

Should medical marijuana be legal?

Should Australia follow the lead of the USA and introduce legalised cannabis shops, sales and smoking across the nation, or at least in some jurisdictions?

More importantly, should Australia legislate to allow sufferers – for whom there is no other drug relief – access to the medically-certified help that cannabis (also known as marijuana) can provide to people with terminal illnesses?

These questions are behind a push in the state of NSW for new legislation to permit the use of medical marijuana for terminally-ill people by the issuing of a card or licence.

The NSW Parliamentary Research Service has done everyone in Australia a favour by producing a scholarly assessment of ‘Cannabis and the law in NSW’. The publication also carries details of the law federally and in other states, and makes comparisons with the USA, Canada, Israel, the UK, NZ and European countries.

Read the report …


  1. May I suggest people who wish to inform themselves on the subject of Marijuana, read the book “the Pot Book” by Dr Julie Holland, which lists many of the Marijuana MYTHS.

    Jen Boon

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