Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLA eAGM Board Nomination Form

CLA eAGM Board Nomination Form

CLA_eagmAll financial members are entitled to stand for the Board of Directors (for a guide to duties/time/effort required of Board Members, see below). Elections are conducted every two years in accordance with the constitution.

Current Board Members are entitled to stand again in 2015 and it is expected most will re-nominate. Details of the current Board Members are available here.

To nominate for a Board vacancy, there are three requirements and an option:

  • a member must be in good standing and financial, and not barred by legislative provisions;
  • the nomination must be seconded;
  • a member must provide a statement of 300 words or fewer in relation to their background, expertise and candidacy. Statements will be edited to a maximum of 300 words; and
  • Candidates may provide a head and shoulders photo of themselves by email to the Secretary or attaching it to the form below.

Voting for this electronic Annual General Meeting (eAGM) of Civil Liberties Australia will be held between 9 March – 23 March 2015. Nominations are being called for from 23 February and will close on 6 March 2015 at 17:00 AEDT.

Members properly proposed and seconded will be included on the electronic ballot page. Nomination for a board position requires a seconder. If you don’t know another member personally, contact the Secretary – – or the President – – who will explain the full range of board duties and expectations, and suggest a member who may sponsor you.

A financial member wishing to nominate for a Board vacancy can complete the following nomination form. All nominations will be published on the CLA website here; seconding a nomination must be undertaken by 6 March 2013. Prospective nominees are encouraged to nominate early.

eVoting and postal voting will be available between 9 March to 23 March 2015.

In proposing a nomination it is important that nominees keep their accompanying statements succinct as only 300 words may be published.

Duties of Board Members

To assist nominees to appreciate the role and expectations of a Board member, details of Board member duties are available here. Please note that Board members spend between about 6 and 40 hours a week on Civil Liberties Australia duties and backgrounding. At least four Board meetings are held each year: if outside Canberra, Skype or similar facilities are needed. No-one is remunerated for work on the CLA Board.

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