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CLA welcomes reversal on defamation

CLA welcomes reversal on defamation

CLA Media Release
CLA Media Release

Our democracy and freedom of speech are the winners in the Tasmanian government’s backdown over proposed draconian defamation laws, out of kilter with the rest of Australia.

CLA welcomes decision to leave defamation alone

The Tasmanian Director of Civil Liberties Australia has welcomed the Tasmanian Government’s decision not to proceed with proposed changes to the Defamation Act 2005.

“This is a good day for democracy and freedom of speech in Tasmania,” Richard Griggs said.

“People from all walks of life spoke out against this proposal and the Government listened and acted.

“Tasmania will be better off without these laws and the silencing effect they would have had on freedom of speech.

“We risked becoming a magnet for corporations seeking a jurisdiction in which they could sue and we would have been out of kilter with the rest of Australia.”

Further comment: Richard Griggs

For other comment and issues please contact:
National Media Spokesperson
CLA Vice-President Tim Vines

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