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Barrister, columnist warn new law is fundamentally flawed

Barrister, columnist warn new law is fundamentally flawed

Proposed new Sexual and Violent Offences law will not work, and will cause a procedural breakdown in the courts, says experienced barrister Ken Archer. Two other barristers are also highly critical, while Canberra Times Editor-at-Large Jack Waterford says barring the media from court in such cases is counter productive. CLA agrees with the professionals who say that the legislation is rushed, biased and plain bad law.

 A round up of the issue is:

  • Jack Waterford’s opinion article in the Canberra Times on 20 Aug 08 is here;
  • Ken Archer’s (barrister) opinion on the Sexual Assault andViolent Offences Legislation Bill 2008 is here;
  • Letters to the Editor by ACT lawyers can be seen here; and
  • CLA’s representation to the Attorney General is here.


Update 24 Aug 08:  CLA’s legal opinion supports that of Ken Archer.  Read the CLA opinion here.

Update 25 Aug 08: Shane Gill (Bariister) – opinion piece in the Canberra Times 14 Aug 08.

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