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Confected cant reflects selective outrage

Confected cant reflects selective outrage

What a shame that Australian politicians of all persuasions can find the time to heroically confect moral outrage over the execution of two convicted heroin smugglers in Indonesia but could never find the moral courage or decency to pursue justice for the ‘Balibo Five’, murdered by the Indonesian military in East Timor nearly 40 years ago (‘Bali 9: Abbott government plans tough diplomatic response as anger rises’, Canberra Times, 29 April).

The cant reflected in our politicians’ willingness to lecture Indonesia on the rule of law, and the decision of our government to withdraw Australia’s Ambassador in response to its actions, stands in stark contrast to its criminal complicity in the Indonesian invasion of East Timor which led to the deaths of the Australian and New Zealand journalists.

And perhaps Indonesia would be more receptive to our government’s entreaties regarding its application of the death penalty if we demonstrated the same willingness to lecture our “special friends” Japan, China, America and Saudi Arabia on the same basis?

 – John Richardson, CLA member, Wallagoot NSW

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