Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
What  did – do – Australian Diggers fight for?

What did – do – Australian Diggers fight for?

People will often say, about liberties and rights and freedoms: “That’s what our Diggers fought for!”

But what have Aussie ‘Diggers’ fought for over 100-plus years: what are they fighting for now? We’re seeking the views of some prominent Australians, including yours.

What did – do – our Diggers fight for?

buttonCLA asked a range of people: hereʼs what some replied. The Backgrounderʼ for what we asked them is here »… and you can have your say in the Comment box at bottom.

What you say…


Geoffrey Robertson, human rights lawyer
‘The right thing to do at the time…’


Prof Marilyn Lake, historian, Anzac author
‘Distinctive democracy built during long peace…’

button John Molony, Emeritus Faculty, ANU
‘Diggers fight mostly for their mates…’
button McEwan, bereaved relative:
‘…to defend our rights and liberties…’
button Serving ADF person:
‘…to free women…, to look out for my mates.’
button McQueen, historian:
‘…Simpson wanted revolution…’

How would you sum up what our Diggers fought for (and are fighting for today, if different from earlier times)?

We would be most grateful if you would put down your opinion in, say, ½ a page to 2 pages. We’ll run as a selection of responses here – encouraging more debate on what Australians consider their civil liberties are on Anzac Day, and in the lead-up to major Anzac Day celebrations in the coming years.

Please email us your thoughts or you can have your say in the Comment box at below »…

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