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Equality before the law up in smoke?

Equality before the law up in smoke?

The Tassie Parliament is back to its banning ways – remember when Polley the Speaker banned Jim Collier from the House and grounds for six months? Now the Upper House wants to stop anyone born after 2000 buying tobacco after they turn 18. Maybe we should ban anyone born between 1930 and 1980, who is an Upper House MP in Tasmania, from buying alcohol?

Equality before the law up in smoke?

Civil Liberties Australia is concerned that a Tasmanian proposal to ban cigarettes for all people born in 2000 or later is discriminatory and doomed to fail.

“This proposal Tasmania’s Upper House, while well intentioned, amounts to age discrimination and may well breach the Federal Age Discrimination Act,” said Civil Liberties Australia CEO Bill Rowlings

“Smoking kills people young AND old and it is wrong to single out Tasmania’s youth,” Mr Rowlings said.

“We understand that anti-smoking campaigners are on (a nicotine free) cloud nine following the High Court’s decision this week regarding plain packing – but fundamental human nature hasn’t changed, and prohibition remains as ineffective as it was last week and during the 1930s era of prohibition.”

CLA believes that the best way to reduce smoking rates among young people is for adults and parents to model healthier habits.

“Young people hear about the dangers of smoking in school, on the TV and when they go to the movies, but they learn their life lessons from their parents and adult role models.”

Article – Upper House moves to ban
sale of cigarettes » …

Article – Tasmania the nanny state » …

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