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Aged care homes: strident report from SA

Aged care homes: strident report from SA

“The evidence establishes that, in theory, there were sufficient mechanisms in place to ensure appropriate oversight in relation to complaints and reports and the investigation of incidents. In practice however these systems failed because they depended too much upon individual reporting and individual judgement. As a result nearly all of the information about the poor standard of care at the Oakden Facility was confined to those who worked there.”  – quote from the report.

NEWS report: ABC News

Commissioner Bruce Lander’s 312-page report made strident criticisms of State government ministers, but stopped short of making maladministration findings against them.

Mr Lander’s report makes 13 recommendations, several dealing with the management structure of the facility.

  • Five individuals were named in Oakden ICAC report for maladministration, as was the public authority; and
  • Former minister Leesa Vlahos was criticised for deflecting responsibility for the facility’s failings.

FULL Report: Oakden: A Shameful Chapter in South Australia’s History.

See also: Civil Liberties Australia’s submission to the federal Aged Care inquiry

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