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April 2017 CLArion: Parliament at last   aware of extradition treaty dangers

April 2017 CLArion: Parliament at last aware of extradition treaty dangers

The federal parliament has at last become aware of the dangers to human rights in Australia’s extradition treaties: CLA has been warning of the problem for nearly a decade.

Attorney-General Brandis and Foreign Minister Bishop need to get their acts together over Australia’s extradition – and trade –  treaties. Bureaucrats must be instructed that treaties we sign as a nation must be human rights-friendly, and must comply with our standards of liberties and freedoms. We should never be trading our standards to those of a lower denominator, yet that is what has been happening for years.

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One comment

  1. I fully agree on the approach of CLA on extradition.
    Some countries have harsh punishment even death sentence.
    Australia has a functional justice system and a legislation.
    Australia may sign agreements that Australia will apply justice at national level where applicable.
    The foreign country is to submit evidences/file to Australia.
    Australian law shall apply. There is no need to extradite.


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