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Baird must revisit mandatory sentencing

Baird must revisit mandatory sentencing

New NSW Premier Mike Baird should revisit mandatory sentencing laws: such schemes only push people into pleading not guilty, which further stretches the crammed court system.

Baird must revisit mandatory sentencing laws

By Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon

Following the resignation in NSW of Barry O’Farrell and the appointment of Mike Baird as premier, it is now time to get back to the key criminal justice issue in the state: the prevention of alcohol-fuelled violence.

Barry O’Farrell (ABC photo).
Barry O’Farrell (ABC photo).

In late January, under O’Farrell’s leadership, the NSW government introduced reforms targeted at improving the law’s response to alcohol and drug-fuelled violence. They were intended to address significant community disquiet after last year’s guilty plea and sentencing of Kieran Loveridge for the manslaughter of 18-year-old Thomas Kelly. O’Farrell’s ”alcohol and drug-fuelled violence initiative” was targeted at improving perceived inadequacies in the law’s response to Kelly’s death, and the one-punch homicide of Daniel Christie last New Year’s Eve.

Above: Barry O’Farrell (ABC photo).

The reforms included the creation of a new homicide offence designed specifically to cater to this context of lethal violence and the introduction of mandatory minimum sentences for serious assaults involving drugs and alcohol. Also included were initiatives targeted at removing the opportunity for alcohol-fuelled violence in late-night Sydney, such as 1.30am lockouts, 3am last drinks and precinct bans.

Of greatest concern was O’Farrell’s proposal to introduce mandatory minimum sentences for a range of serious offences, including:

  • assault occasioning actual bodily harm (two-year minimum proposed),
  • reckless wounding (three-year minimum proposed),
  • reckless grievous bodily harm (four-year minimum proposed) and
  • sexual assault (five-year minimum proposed).

Thankfully, while O’Farrell’s “one-punch” homicide offence and lockouts gained quick support at a parliamentary level, the proposal to introduce mandatory minimum sentences for a range of serious offences did not gain favour. And rightly so.

The dangers of mandatory minimum sentencing schemes are well established in research worldwide. They are typically introduced with the promise of deterring future offenders and consequently reducing crime.  Indeed, all they do is act to discourage defendants from pleading guilty to an offence holding a mandatory minimum sentence. Such an outcome in NSW would increase pressure on an already stretched criminal court system.

While the notion of a definite term of imprisonment for serious offences may appear attractive to a public outraged at the law’s response to Kelly’s death, it undermines the principle of proportionality in sentencing and creates barriers to achieving individualised justice.

The experienced members of the NSW judiciary who confront these cases are ideally placed to weigh up the individual facts of the case and apply a sentence that best fits. This is not the job of politicians or the public.

From a financial point of view this is an approach to sentencing that NSW cannot afford. At a time when prisoner numbers are at record levels and prisons overcrowded, any legislation that has the effect of unduly increasing the minimum sentences imposed should be avoided.

While it is undoubtedly important for the government to be seen to be addressing alcohol-fuelled violence, and particularly one-punch homicides, mandatory sentences are not an effective way to do this. Sentencing guidelines – an approach favoured by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Lloyd Babb, following the Loveridge/Kelly case – could be more effective. This would provide a clear directive to the courts on how alcohol and drug-fuelled violence should be considered at sentencing, while still maintaining judicial discretion and individualised justice.

It was refreshing to hear Baird’s first speech where he pledged to commit to consultation. If Baird is to stay true to his word he will consult the community, legal practitioners and academics on the value of mandatory minimum sentencing schemes for alcohol-fuelled violence-related offences. It is hoped that in doing so, the community will heed the lessons of failed sentencing reform from elsewhere. We need to send a clear message to the government that we seek educative and preventative reforms that address the root of the problem, rather than sentencing reform.

The final section of O’Farrell’s initiative, proposed an advertising campaign to ‘‘address the issues of community perceptions and drinking culture’’. Alongside any other reforms, this is an essential component of the government’s response to alcohol-fuelled violence that cannot be overlooked. This approach seeks to address the culture of masculine violence engulfing our streets late at night. Education programs and awareness campaigns are key to challenging the acceptability of violence, drug and alcohol abuse among young males. The Sydney Morning Herald’s “Safer Sydney” campaign and boxer Danny Green’s advertisement about the dangers of single punch assaults, are good examples of initiatives already at work.

Now is the time to step away from punitive and ineffective policies in favour of a rational response to addressing drug and alcohol-fuelled violence in NSW.


fitz-gibbonDr Kate Fitz-Gibbon is a lecturer and researcher in criminology in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Deakin University.  This article appeared originally in Fairfax publications

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