March 2013 CLArion newsletter:
Drugs in sport and gene patents bring liberties and rights issues into focus

This month’s CLArion features our Drugs in Sport and gene patent activities, along with comment on how US women lagged Australians in getting the vote, but have been ahead ever since because of the protection of a Bill of Rights. Other items which m…

Feb 13 CLArion newsletter:
CLA eAGM begins…and why is Emergency Minister on holidays over disaster season?

CLA’s own electronic AGM gets under way this month, and full details are here. But, as the country starts preparing eight months ahead for an election, CLA wants to know why the Emergency Management Minister was on holidays over the main disaster sea…

January 2013 CLArion newsletter:
Government spins rehash of old activities and pretends it supports human rights

The Gillard Government pretends its newly-released National Human Rights Action Plan is a real commitment to rights and civil liberties in Australia. But what CLA describes as a Confected Rights Action Plan is all spin on top of hype. If the governm…

December 2012 – CLArion newsletter: Sexual abuse inquiries to hear voices of victims as parallel election demands Year of Speaking Out

Sexual and physical abuse inquiries – into the armed forces, churches, and generally – are likely to dominate 2013, clouding the the crucial federal election expected in October. The inquiries allow long-ignored victims to be heard: the electio…

November 2012 – CLArion newsletter: CLA to develop performance measures for police, crime bodies to report effectiveness

In an opportunity with national significance, CLA will help a NSW Parliamentary Committee develop new performance measures for police and crime bodies so politicians and the public can assess how well they function. As the price of crime goes up, we nee…

October 2012 – CLArion newsletter: Journos get shields, but citizens suffer as politicians choose police over people

Issues of shield laws for journalists, police plans for draconian data retention/snooping regimes and the need for better drug testing standards and patent protections dominate concerns for this period. Overall, it seems politicians continue to fail cit…