September 2012 – CLArion newsletter CLA asks Human Rights Committee to define Aussie rights from Conventions

CLA President, Dr Kristine Klugman, has formally asked the chair of the new Human Rights Committee, former Speaker Harry Jenkins, for his committee to define what the peoples rights are, based on the seven major Conventions Australia has ratified. The d…

June 2012 Newsletter It’s official: Justice Minister does exactly what the police tell him to do…always!

Abandoning all previous pretexts to the contrary, federal Justice Minister Clare has admitted he does exactly what he’s told by the police. That includes giving police the power to ban people from working and earning their living based only on &quot…

April 2012 Newsletter: Lack of choice over see-through scanners is part of mixed bag of liberties/freedoms

The Australian Government will inflict see-through airport scanners on Australians mid-year, in a move totally unjustified on facts, figures and research conducted here in Australia and overseas: CLA continues to fight for a ‘pat down’ choice at the ver…