Should drugs be legalised?

A recent public debate pitted pro-legalisers against ‘war on drugs’ supporters. Here Brian McConnell describes the contest and gives a rundown on how the pre- and post- polling indicated a strong switch in support in one direction.

Random drug tests are unjust

There is no impairment scale for drugs in the system, and no-one can tell you accurately how long after taking a drug to wait before it is safe to drive. Despite these raging uncertainties, police and governments are imposing random roadside drug tests…

Failure results from policies

Throughout Australia, jails are riddled with drugs. In virtually all prisons, inmates emerge after their sentence more hardened, completely un-rehabilitated. The drugs and jail infrastructures are not the problems: it’s the policies, Brian McConnell say…

Living will: your right to die

The issue of right to die has hit the front of Australia’s metropolitan daily newspapers this silly season, with the Canberra Times featuring a call by Professor Ken Hillman to respect people’s wishes. Also featured is the story of CLA member, Adele Ste…