Proposed amendment to the Constitution

The CLA Board proposes that the CLA Constitution be amended by: Paragraph 8.1 – adding at the end of the paragraph the words: For the purposes of a general or special meeting that is conducted fully or partly electronically, the formal date of the meeting will be  that date the board determined and advised members which will be the date for the declaration of the result of the vote for that meeting.  At other times it will be the date of the meeting. Paragraph 8.5 – Adding at the end of the paragraph the words: Notice may be given asContinue reading

Notice of Motion Form

Notice of Motion Form
A formal call for Notice of Motion(s) has been made for this year’s eAGM and any proposal will need to be lodged before 5pm 16 February 2013.
Notices of motion proposed for General Meetings (including an electronic Annual Gener…