Be afraid of helping Assange!

Be afraid, be very afraid!. That’s how the US Government and, by extension, the Australian Government wants you to be in relation to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Salon’s Glenn Greenwald reveals a long-running government strategy of intimidation, which…

Qui Tam…do we need it here?

Qui Tam is basically a legal action which encourages whistleblowing around government waste. It works well in America, where individuals can earn massive payouts for reporting rip-offs. Should we have it here, Tony Nikolic asks?

Qui Tam…taking actio…

Terse SCAG reveals a little

SCAG – the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General – issued a typical economically worded ‘communique’ after its December 2010 meeting. CLA believes SCAG should publish a full agenda, and formal minutes, for each meeting.

Communique – Standing Commi…