Sex with leaks is surprising

What exactly is the naughty Nordic crime WikiLeaker Julian Assange is alleged to have committed…twice? Turns out it may have more to do with the strength of Swedish condoms than the quality of justice in the country of blondes. Now, if only he’d been…

Assange to be assassinated?

A court ruling in the USA has opened the way for President Obama to order the assassination of Julian Assange – or even an American citizen – without trial, without conviction. To thwart extremists labelling Assange a “terrorist” and calling for his kil…

Scales need rebalancing

There are signs throughout Australia, but particularly in Tasmania, that some long-standing laws need revisiting and reviewing, Jim Collier says. Overhauling the balance mechanism of the scales of justice is an important task for government, he says.

Sun never sets on Secret Empire

Politicians, at the urging of police, continue to entrench freedom-encroaching laws, originally sold to Australians as ’emergency’ only. It is surely time to start winding back some of the over-draconian measures put in place after 9/11, or for other ‘te…

The elephant in the room

Each political party complains about how the other parties waste billions of taxpayer dollars. Yet I’ve not seen or heard any party leader discuss the nearly $2billion annual spend for war in Afghanistan, “security” in Iraq, and physical and mental heal…