Truth about the troops, please

The Government and Coalition must make clear, objective, measurable statements about Australia’s commitment to Afghanistan, and precisely when – or under what measurable conditions – the Australian military commitment will cease.
While Senators, MPs, an…

Negus Is Australia a police state?

In funding and numbers, Australia’s national police force has more than doubled over the past decade. In nature and mission, it is now at the ‘centre of security’ rather than at the core of policing, its own Minister says. Are these changes turning A…

Ban dumb laws, not burkas

Christian Democrat Fred Nile, NSW MP, has introduced a bill criminalising the public wearing of face covering.
Ski masks on ski slopes become banned; marchers in Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade become criminals; those wearing costumes for school plays, Hallo…

SAS man speaks out for liberty

A former SAS soldier, the newest member of the WA Parliament, delivered a telling commentary on the erosion of civil liberties in Australia when he gave his maiden speech in March. “…a speech capable of making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up;