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CLArion April 2022: Parliament powerless over Covid-19 rules

CLArion April 2022: Parliament powerless over Covid-19 rules

Australia’s governance system allows Ministers to impose over-the-top rules and regulations without Parliament able to have a say. The system should be changed, CLA says. In this issue, we report on the new ‘Right To Appeal’ laws in three states – they have not opened any floodgates: many wrongfully convicted people still languish in our jails. And we note that lawyer David McBride, the alleged whistleblower, is the only person so far charged over alleged murders and assaults on Afghan nationals by members of the ADF’s SAS, despite four years of initial investigation and now a further 18-month (and counting) second internal inquiry. Plus:

  • Wrongful convictions: figures confirm judicial criticism
  • Waterford nails downside in PS relationships, ‘embuggerances’
  • Fatal police shootings reach record number
  • Judge, barrister criticise how “expert” forensic science “evidence” is abused
  • Police enlist dob-in power of drivers
  • Patten wants more ‘reasonableness’ in state justice
  • Drug dog costs Justice nearly $1m
  • Human Rights Act campaign ramps up
  • UK liable for quizzing detainee under torture
  • Medical gender treatment is child abuse, says Texas
  • Police behaviour under serious scrutiny in UK, USA
  • ’Take-a-knee’ man provides funding for more police-check autopsies

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