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CLArion Dec 2023: Big year ahead for elections

CLArion Dec 2023: Big year ahead for elections

Elections throughout Australia will loom large in 2024, with four or even five possible. Their combined effect could alter the rigid two-party hegemony over the nation that has lasted across a century. Meanwhile federally, thinking politicians, advisers and academics realise that active steps are needed to restore integrity in the bureaucracy and people’s faith and trust in government. With doubts in the justice system about whether forensic science is delivering on its past promise, and whether the legal profession plays by the rules in courts, we’re in for bumpy ride in 2024. Other news in this issue includes:

  • Corruption comes to the fore in Darwin in untimely fashion
  • Legal and allied system in turmoil up north
  • Forensics in chaos: 103,000 samples to be retested?
  • New national forensic regulator and authority required
  • Key appointments to some pivotal positions
  • Senior barrister has no faith in PIP, police-investigating-police
  • Aboriginal people locked up and down disproportionately
  • Minister talks pap: where does responsibility lie?
  • Neighbour country under control of new, secret force
  • Judge is demoted…but the election goes on after his ruling
  • Prosecutor fined $20,000 for errors, failures, concealment

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