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CLArion December 2021: Sue Neill-Fraser appeal DISMISSED

CLArion December 2021: Sue Neill-Fraser appeal DISMISSED

Sue Neill-Fraser remans convicted, despite one of three judges ruling that she should not have been convicted in the first place. The other two say that there’s a possibility that that her conviction a decade ago was wrong, but it is not a “significant” possibility, so she should stay in jail. SNF has 12 more years to serve of a 23-year sentence. She is eligible for parole in August 2022. (See fuller analysis of the appeal ruling on the CLA website in early December). In other revelations in this issue:
  • Australia’s law agencies become more corrupt: official!
  • MAG: the national body that is failing to improve justice
  • Keane reveals what’s behind the Collaery ‘persecution’
  • Cosset the rich, crucify the poor
  • New pandemic bill needs close watching
  • Did police pre-leak arrest for publicity purposes?
  • Signatures take to the ether
  • Police abusing their power for sex is rife, and rising
  • Will women ask to be monitored?
  • 2000 children killed/maimed each year
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