Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLArion July 2021: Power battle over rights and Parliament’s role

CLArion July 2021: Power battle over rights and Parliament’s role

Senate and Joint committees are fighting ongoing battles to reclaim power to the Parliament after years of dominance by the Executive,  the small group of Ministers and the Prime Minister who run the nation day-by-day. The Executive Ministers have wrestled power away from Senators and MHRs over decades and through both Coalition and Labor rules…but now parliamentary committees want to put human rights front and centre in all money bills, and also take control of supervising and approving delegated legislation (laws made without having to be passed by both Houses, usually written at the say-so of the Executive).

  • Aussies getting frustrated over losing right to travel overseas
  • Signs the High Court is wobbling on freedom of political communication
  • ‘Release locked-up refugees’, Human Rights Commission says
  • Kirby calls for respect of the rights of the non-religious majority
  • Trust suffers setbacks: ex-Treasurer takes corporate $$; police ignore integrity principles
  • VAD passes in SA: when will ACT and NT get back the right to vote?
  • NT botches speeding fines…but won’t repay people illegally fined
  • Hajj travel barred again
  • Aged should have easy access to cash, UK body says.

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