Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLArion July 2022: Push for No Rights Without Remedies

CLArion July 2022: Push for No Rights Without Remedies

Pressure is mounting on the federal government to announce a national review leading to introducing a Human Rights Act (HRA) for Australia. A HRA is a priority issue once a National Integrity Commission law is before parliament: a full review is promised in the Labor Party platform. Meanwhile, the Justice committee of the ACT Legislative Assembly is urging improvements to the ACT Human Rights ACT – possibly as a model for a national Act – to ensure that in future there are ‘No Rights Without Remedies’. Also in the JULY 2022 CLArion:

  • Attorney-General’s Department newly responsible for the federal police
  • $6m waster in wrongful prosecutions: end Collaery, McBridge, Boyle fiascos
  • The Force searches your IT devices ‘on suspicion’
  • 2001-inspired terror laws are past their use-by date
  • When will the territories get their democratic rights back?
  • State’s ‘justice’ fails children as young as 10
  • Justice systems are not fit for purpose
  • State laboratory gives wrong forensic results/advice: biologist
  • Beware unintended consequences of tracing family DNA
  • Forensic ‘certainty’ starts to face a reality backlash

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