Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLArion July ’23: Human Rights subs close 1 July…please get yours in

CLArion July ’23: Human Rights subs close 1 July…please get yours in

Today, 1 July 2023, is the deadline for lodging a submission to achieve a federal Human Rights Act in Australia. Please email your thoughts on a HRA today even if it’s only one or two pages (see where to email on Page 1). IN THIS ISSUE we name the nation’s worst police force as judged by the people of Australia, and warn police authorities about hiring duds from elsewhere as they desperately seek new recruits while trying to hide police misbehaviour from citizens. We remind AG Mark Dreyfus it’s time to drop the charges against whistleblowers Boyle and McBride. Also in this issue:

  • Home Affairs ignores standards and rights, wastes big
  • More allegations of bad behaviour in NT Rolfe case
  • DPP v Police: Australia awaits ’Solomon’ Sofronoff’s analysis
  • Government knew of juvenile jail deficiencies before riot
  • ODD SPOT: Truth in Counselling?
  • Massive increase in fines…but balance is lacking
  • CLA report: Action federally and in four jurisdictions
  • ODD SPOT: Heil human rights
  • Police charge their own ‘Conduct Director’ with rape
  • Brits abandon plans to weaken human rights

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