Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLArion March 2022: No Rights Without Remedies needed

CLArion March 2022: No Rights Without Remedies needed

CLA is working hard behind the scenes to encourage a new approach to Human Rights Acts, federally and in the states and territories. The aim is to ensure that all such Acts in future contain simple, easy, quick and cheap access to a remedy – starting with a conciliation process, through a tribunal to a senior court if necessary – for people to have their rights enforced against political and bureaucratic decisions. An inquiry in the ACT will soon consider the issues in detail. In other news:

  • Vote for the most trustworthy to save our own lives
  • Will your elected MPs back integrity and rights?
  • Dept of Veterans Affairs is not fit for purpose
  • Warning! Parliament committee wants to expand its powers
  • Australia is on a path to a police state
  • Beware the scaremonger and his ghostly hobgoblins
  • Fix our appeal rights, says Kirby
  • Porn access may depend on your looks
  • Is it the PITs, or does it give you the PIP?
  • Irish want to end ’special courts’
  • Cops enjoy on-job sex privileges…funded by taxpayers

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