Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLArion May 2022: What should be the new govt’s priorities?

CLArion May 2022: What should be the new govt’s priorities?

It should be up to We The People to set priorities for a new federal government’s early actions, not political parties. Here’s a list of issues that need urgent attention from CLA’s viewpoint (you can bet mining and farming and fracking/gas and mining and coal industries don’t need to be on any priority list for assistance!). Meanwhile, in the West, CLA will launch a hard-hitting documentary early this month: in it, real people tell real-life stories of justice and legal system failure. Also, in this issue is a litany of neglect, ignorance, lack of caring and failure to allocate appropriate funding to juveniles: these are unconscionable ’state crimes’ against children in one of the world’s richest societies. Plus…

  • Integrity and trust make society better, save lives, during C-19
  • Long-awaited corruption commission promised in 2022
  • Australia may lose its human rights status
  • Murder is murder, whether by Russian or Australian troops
  • Rule of law vital says ex-AG…but did he and others live up to it?
  • Cashing in on the power to reward supporters
  • A peck with the beak means the ’sack’ for the lass
  • End all-white juries, rally says
  • Barristers to ’strike’ in England
  • Prisoners: as they reap, so shall they sow
  • Photo ID voted down by Lords
  • Divorce refusal leads to jail

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