Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLArion May 2023: time to make Human Rights Act submision

CLArion May 2023: time to make Human Rights Act submision

    • Audit and Accounts committee champions human rights in pandemics
    • ‘Vague’ law to set new example for ’secret’ trials
    • Securitisation drives the nation’s culture towards fear
    • Bromley case decided soon…but High Court is wimping it
    • Forensics problems/structures blight criminal cases
    • Bad system produces miscarriages: Aussie CCRC needed
    • Greek goddess confusion: does Dike ‘curse’ delay disclosure law?
    • Human rights violated in Homeland Security prison surveillance
    • VR and AI come to courts in Scotland and NZ
    • Island journalists have to re-learn media freedom
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