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Clea Rose hit-run: still many questions

Clea Rose hit-run: still many questions

Civil libertarians are concerned that all questions around the tragic hit-run death of Clea Rose one year ago might not be answered. Civil Liberty Australia’s comments follow the ACT Coroner saying a coronial inquiry might not be needed.

Clea Rose hitrun:

still many questions

Media release: 30 July 2006

Civil libertarians are concerned that all questions around the tragic hitrun death of Clea Rose one year ago might not be answered.

Civil Liberty Australia’s comments follow the ACT Coroner saying a coronial inquiry might not be needed.

“It is vitally important that a coronial inquiry be held into all the circumstances surrounding the death of Clea Rose,” CLA spokesperson Anthony Williamson said.

“There are still many unanswered questions about the Australian Federal Police’s practices relating to this incident.

“We accept that the police officers involved acted appropriately in following what were then the police guidelines for car pursuits.

“But were the guidelines for pursuits appropriate then, and are they now?

“The Coroner should investigate the old police pursuit guidelines, and any new version, as the integrity of the guidelines is something that AFP internal investigation failed to consider,” Mr Williamson said.

CLA is also concerened over how the internal police investigation was handled. AFP Internal investigations are supposed to be conducted by the Professional Standards Unit but, in the Clea Rose matter, the Collision Investigation Unit conducted the investigation.

“It doesn’t seem appropriate that police officers in the Collision Investigation Unit investigate the actions of their colleagues. It does not satisfy the arms’ length independence required in such matters,” Mr Williamson said.

“It is about justice being done, and being seeing to be done our
position is that police from the same area or force should never investigate police.”

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