Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Dec 2015 newsletter: the ‘Better Justice’   push starts with letters to PM, AGs

Dec 2015 newsletter: the ‘Better Justice’ push starts with letters to PM, AGs

CLA CLArion Monthly newsletter
CLA CLArion Monthly newsletter

With CLA’s ‘Better Justice’ plan being readied for launch in January, we have already moved to implement one key leg of the plan: hastening Australia’s ratifying of OPCAT. President Dr Kristine Klugman has written to the PM and all state/territory Attorneys-General asking them for rapid action to translate their promises into full commitment.

We also report on a major win in terms of the new Right To Appeal law being passed in Tasmania, and a major loss in that a Senate committee has recommended the merger – actually swallowing – of the Australian Institute of Criminology into the Australian Crime Commission should go ahead. There’s news of an emerging greater threat to privacy with a massively increased, government-run ’Facial Identification Service’.

Also in this issue:
  • Nauru’s justice system close to breakdown
  • Acronyms don’t hide the central govt spin and control
  • Minister’s drug seizure boast is proof of increasing ‘war’ failure
  • Reward whistleblowers to encourage more, says ASiC chair
  • Senate pulls the turf from under feet of newborn lobbyists
  • High courts rules ‘catch and release’ of drunks is legal
  • Smiley Miley pic gets police into hot water
  • Brits beef up snooping into ‘private’ browsing
  • Violence is the world’s worst disease
  • Female unionists targeted for murder
  • Mexico to legalise all drugs


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