Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Treasurer’s Report – 2008

Treasurer’s Report – 2008

The audited accounts for the year are provided in the Annual Report.  In summary we recorded a surplus of $2243 and carried forward a balance of $6915. 

Changes in our banking arrangements during the year reduced bank fees and improved interest receipts  – a turnaround of nearly $200 compared with last year. 

Income of $6017 in 2008 was up by less than 1% (when last year’s Cartoon Exhibition is excluded from the comparison).  Most of our income is from membership fees ($4790).  New membership receipts were about the same as last year; renewals were up by nearly 50%.  Donations were down by about 25%. 

Expenditure at $3774 in 2008 was up by about 13% (when last year’s Cartoon Exhibition is excluded from the comparison).  The expenditure figure is not a measure of the effort and impact of CLA as it takes no account of non-monetary factors such as the unpaid time and resources contributed by many members, whose commitment is absolutely central to the success of CLA. 

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