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Where is genuine accountability?

Where is genuine accountability?

Whilst many might agree with Peter Grabosky, that Australians should be offended by the alleged antics of ASIO in ‘surveilling subjects of interest’, others might take a more sanguine view of such activities as simply being in the ‘national interest’.

Surely the dilemma that all democratic societies face is how to best balance the need to protect the legitimate rights, privileges & interests of individual citizens with the need to protect the national interest?

The fact that individual politicians or bureaucrats might seek to abuse their powers for corrupt or criminal purposes, whether it be through the betrayal of the rights of individual citizens, such as David Hicks, or illegal spying on the government of East Timor, is not, of itself, sufficient reason to curtail the powers of those agencies, but rather a clear demonstration of the need for stronger & more effective independent oversight.

Ironically, the persistent failure of politicians from all sides to ensure genuine accountability on the part of our security agencies can only strengthen arguments in favour of curbing their powers which, in turn, would only serve to weaken their ability to protect our national interest.


– John Richardson, CLA member, Wallagoot NSW



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