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Hinch,  are you fair dinkum?

Hinch, are you fair dinkum?

So serial offender Derryn Hinch opts on 17 January 2014 to spend 50 days in a Victorian Prison rather than pay a $100,000 fine for contempt of court.  This is lunacy as Hinch is effectively being “paid” $2,000 a day while in prison to reduce his fine to zero!!!!

I say people who have the means to pay fines should not be given the option to serve time in prison at considerable expense to the taxpayers.

Hinch is reported as saying ”It’s a matter of principle that I don’t pay the fine”. In my opinion, a person who doesn’t respect the presumption of innocence and deliberately breaks the law has no principles. Are his principles based on protecting his wealth, ie he simply doesn’t want to pay the $100,000 fine?  If Hinch is fair dinkum regarding his principles, he should donate $100,000 to a registered charity and also serve the 50 days in prison.  Over to you Derryn.

– Brian G Tennant, CLA member, Subiaco WA.

PS: It is costing more than $5000 – $100-plus a day prison costs x 50 days – to house, feed and water Derryn during his prison stay. Why should other Victorians pay for his ‘principles’: why can’t he pay for them himself?


  1. Why aren’t you worried about the BILLIONS of taxpayers money being lost in all levels of Government and Bureaucratic Bastardisation and Corruption of innocent people instead of raving about a parochial issue where a man is WILLING TO STAND UP for his principles.

    Jamad Khan

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