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Aug 17 CLArion -Immigration: policy bias treats arrivals   differently depending on transport

Aug 17 CLArion -Immigration: policy bias treats arrivals differently depending on transport

There’s one rule for boat arrivals, another for air arrivals: why does Australia discriminate, treating the two arrival classes differently, and why does Minister Dutton allow freeloaders to overstay in Australia for decades? Tens of thousands of people whom the Immigration Minister has “lost” live and work here, probably paying no taxes and cheating the Australian economy and people. While Minister Dutton is fixated on fewer than 2000 people on Manus and Nauru, he ignores more than 12,000 people who have been here – illegally – for more than 20 years: not to mention more than 50,000 others who have overstayed here a shorter time.

Other items in this issue include:

  • Who will be our rep on the Human Rights Council?
  • What does prison cost Australia?
  • Judges rule police must pay $90,000 security to continue their appeal
  • Indigenous communities to turn technology back on police
  • Brits to abandon fundamental rights
  • US military dispenses free weapons with no checks or controls
  • Torture epidemic in Sri Lanka
  • Youth jails becoming major problem worldwide

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