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Investigate independently

Investigate independently

Police should not investigate police deaths in custody, CLA’s Keith McEwan says. There needs to be an independent body set up for such cases – justice demands no less, he says.

Investigate independently

The Editor, The Age: Your editorial ‘Justice tested by deaths of detainees’ (26/5/2010) refers to the ongoing issue of police investigating police on such occasions, with all the obvious flaws in such a process that lacks transparency and independence.

Following the shocking revelations of a dying man allegedly being dumped outside a police station by police officers, despite his cries for help, it must not be left to members of the same police force to investigate yet another tragic death of a person being held in custody.

For justice to be done (as well as seen to be done) an independent authority, with adequate powers to investigate and call witnesses, is needed to conduct unbiased, transparent inquires for an coronial inquest.

Victorian Police Minister Bob Cameron should carefully consider following the lead of Queensland and call for the establishment of a Crime and Misconduct Commission in Victoria to investigate all deaths in police and prison custody.
In so doing, he will be acting in the interests of the public and members of the law enforcement agencies. Justice for the family members and friends of those who died in custody deserves nothing less.

– Keith McEwan, Bendigo. Vic, CLA member

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