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CLArion Aug 22 – It’s time States came good on justice issues

CLArion Aug 22 – It’s time States came good on justice issues

With a new Australian government attending to federal justice issues (ICAC with teeth, voice for Indigenous people, ending false court actions and – we expect – a Human Rights Act later on), it’s time States and Territories acted positively to end injustice in their jurisdictions: legal errors caused by incompetent and/or malicious police and prosecutors, inhumane juvenile jailing, adult prisons with temperatures likely to exceed 50C but no air-con system…and the fact that most Crimes Acts in Australia date, unreviewed across the board, from 110 years ago. It’s time for a major inquiry or commission into Australian ‘justice’ and whether our 2020 systems serve Australians as well as they should, CLA says. Plus, in this issue:
  • Sue Neill-Fraser to get at least 30 minutes in the High Court this month
  • AG Mark Dreyfus has a full plate…but even more needs his attention
  • Political parties need reform, voice from the past says
  • High Court’s till pays for some odd fingers
  • Pill testing in Oz, at last
  • Age of criminal responsibility should rise now
  • ‘Legal’ grants: dogs’ breakfast describes how funds are scattered
  • UK SAS soldiers accused of murders in Afghanistan
  • ’They just seemed to fit the evidence around me’: how wrongful convictions happen

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