Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Jan 2017 CLArion: Age, genes, drugs and    terrorism likely to dominate this year

Jan 2017 CLArion: Age, genes, drugs and terrorism likely to dominate this year

NewsletterThe above issues, plus the shape of our own democracy, will come to the fore in 2017, as will greater awareness of CLA’s 10-year campaign for Better Justice.
Age issues affect all us – older people, their children aged 40-50-60, as well as the grandkids – as does terrorism if police behaviour results in frightening the Australian people unnecessarily for the sake of “good” police TV coverage and PR opportunities. It will be interesting to see the outcome in late-April of “blockbuster” 400-police raids in the days before Christmas 2016.
Other stories include:
  • Note to PM: Democracy means enabling, not denigrating, peaceful protest.
  • Government data may be used in civil cases against individuals
  • TPP twitches as last rites applied…but be alert for other trade deals
  • Cyber security leaves ASIO in the lurch
  • Judge rules woman may not wear face covering when giving evidence
  • Same-sex couples get their overseas marriages recognised
  • NT plans new abortion laws
  • Policeman gets life in jail for stun gun use on handcuffed prisoner who died
  • Marketing ploys up costs of drugs by up to 2600%
  • Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba is down to its last 50
  • New execution court in Dubai aims for efficiency of official killing

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