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June ’10 Newsletter: Fearful Rudd government spends big on security

June ’10 Newsletter: Fearful Rudd government spends big on security

The 2010 federal budget papers show the Rudd Government is spending more than $500m to “further strengthen security” this year…but has allocated zero funds to further safeguarding the liberties and rights of Australians. The massive spending imbalance follows nine consecutive years of over-spending on police and security, ever since a terrorist attack on the USA in 2001.

The 2010 budget reveals that government spying on Australians will cost about $2m a week over the next 12 months. But, as secret surveillance and compiling massive national databases is on the rise, voting is down, with more than 10% of Australians not recording a valid vote at the last federal election. The trend in Australia is crystal clear: more centralised control and less power to the people.

Other topics covered in June include:

  • Politicians to spend an extra $21m on their own security;
  • Unless you avoid going to court, the govt will take you to court;
  • Open process to appoint judges…but not for High Court;
  • Security agencies want secret, centralised database on Australians;
  • Baby law review may re-open abortion debate;
  • Stun guns costly for small US city – $2.4m payout;
  • Head judge calls for better justice in WA;
  • R18+ video games classification looks likely to happen;
  • US drone operators may be guilty of murder…at home; and
  • EU Parliament wants charter of data rights.


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