Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Know your rights…ASIO, the Police and You

Know your rights…ASIO, the Police and You

What are your rights – and the rights of ASIO and police – under Australia’s draconian anti-terror laws? This excellent publication, produced by the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network, was released in its 3rd edition in July 2008. It explains the facts in simple, easily-understood terms. CLA’s Asmi Wood was a member of the legal reference group who helped produce it.

Anti-Terror Laws: ASIO, The Police and You Third Edition

This booklet answers people’s general questions about the anti-terrorism laws that have been introduced in Australia since 2001, including the terrorism offences, the extended powers and functions of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), as well as information on control orders, preventative detention, and the sedition offences.

It is available in four languages: English, Arabic, Indonesian (Bahasa) and Urdu, and it is available in PDF for easy printing and screen viewing. The to see the PDF English version click here. Other language versions are availablehere.

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