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Like Chinese, we also need our rights

Like Chinese, we also need our rights

The Editor, The Age – Your editorial “It`s time Australia set matters to rights” (The Age 11/12/2008) clearly explains the need for a charter to protect human rights which we too often take for granted in our “lucky” country.

While we may readily support the Chinese lawyers and journalists calling for their government to ratify the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, we should simultaneously move to shore up our own basic human rights and not just rely on the common law and changing parliamentary majorities.

It is 60 years since the United Nations` Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed and Australia is the only Western country without a bill of rights or charter in its constitution to protect individuals and minorities against hastily drawn up laws such as those enacted by the Howard government in its so-called ” war on terror” resulting in innocent people being deprived of their liberty.

The move by the Rudd government to promote public consultation on human rights in Australia is long overdue and deserves all our support.

Keith McEwan, Bendigo. Victoria, CLA member
submitted to TheAge

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