Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
March 2008 Newsletter – Rudd refuses to review how Australia

March 2008 Newsletter – Rudd refuses to review how Australia

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, responding to CLA’s Australia Day letters, is refusing to review the procedures, conventions and laws around how Australia goes to war or becomes involved in >conflicts like Iraq and Afghanistan. CLA is calling on interested groups to pressure the PM to change his stance on this fundamentally important issue.

There’s news of Human Rights Commissioner Graeme Innes challenging the corporate world to include rights and responsibilities in everyday business practice, a proposal CLA has advocated for some time. In WA, there’s a crackdown on law and order as the State gears for an election, and, throughout Australia, CLA fears police are likely to opt for a new, higher powered shotgun version of the Taser (stun gun) weapon. In the ACT, CLA is battling potential bias in proposed new sexual assault legislation. Also featured are interesting >developments in the UK and Canada on citizenship tests and terrorist convictions.

Other highlights featured in this month’s CLArion include:

  • CLA spokesperson joins Minister’s office;
  • beefing up of rights actions welcomed;
  • US prosecutor admits political ‘fix’ for Hicks;
  • arbitrary jailings in Malaysia raise concerns;
  • electric chair ruled ‘cruel/unusual punishment’;
  • women’s rights group likely for Middle East;
  • your body to become its own swipe card;
  • doctors don’t trust centralised health records;
  • the Great Chase: 2,240 police after one man ;
  • fleeing deportees arrested…be deported; and
  • water rights spark court battle.
Previous CLArions (pdf files) are also available:

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