Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
March 2019: Dissonance reverberates as MPs’ words don’t match actions 

March 2019: Dissonance reverberates as MPs’ words don’t match actions 

Standards in public life continue to shrink as politicians’ words and actions fly in the face of reality. ‘Urgent’ for a Minister is when you’re doing something for him, not when he is expected to act; a new petitions process will deliver more gloss and grandstanding for pollies, and no better outcome for the people; new trade deals being negotiated in secret are sure to disadvantage most citizens; and MPs from each major side reach to new heights of hypocrisy as they claim to support “freely and fairly” reporting on national security.

  • Leaky blackshirts get their ASIO mates offside
  • Tim Anderson: ‘spooked’ for years, now sacked
  • How PM Abbott’s jobs-for-the-boys worked out
  • Will whistleblowers get a financial reward?
  • Third jurisdiction to get a bill of rights this year
  • Fourth jurisdiction may bring in ‘Right to Appeal’ law
  • New inquiry could change prisons nationwide
  • 9-0 US decision may influence forfeiture laws here
  • How big is ’The Community’ of spooks in Oz?

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