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New police ‘trick’ may prove very costly

New police ‘trick’ may prove very costly

WA Police using ‘I Spy’ numberplate trickery could be breaking the law by pulling over drivers with previous drug convictions who have served their time, Civil Liberties Australia’s National Media Director, Tim Vines, said.

Police should not pull drivers over “just because”…police should actually have “just cause” before stopping someone, he said.

“In other words, there needs to be a clear indication that the driver is actually doing something wrong at the time they’re pulled over,” Mr Vines said. “Without that, police behaviour is harassing people on suspicion…and not even reasonable suspicion.

“It’s possible anyone pulled over in those circumstances could sue the police for harassment. This new WA Police technique might prove to be very costly for the state government. Evidence collected after this kind of search can be rejected by a court as unlawfully collected – but not until after the state, police and accused have spent significant sums of money.

“It’s a clear breach of privacy rules, and may be harassment also.” CLA’s National Media Director said it was unclear whether the police might have to pay compensation personally, as well as the state paying, if a driver sued successfully.

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