Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Newsletter March 2015: Government turns security into political theatre

Newsletter March 2015: Government turns security into political theatre

CLA CLArion Monthly newsletter
CLA CLArion Monthly newsletter

‘Security’ is being abused as a crutch to prop up a teetering government. Major ‘national statements’ are more puff and wind than well thought-through solutions to dangerous times. Every time a PM’s national address is overblown, an opportunity is lost: people switch right off from vacuous rhetoric which is long on verbiage but short on actual new initiatives and common sense. At the same time, more than 80% of Australians are adamant that they do not want children locked up in detention. We have not known a time when an Australian government appeared so out of tune with the civil liberties and human rights desires of its people. It’s up to Australians who care about freedoms to speak up, and tell their MPs what they are currently delivering is not good enough.

  • CLA lodges plea for better treaty-making
  • Abbott security address: more him than us
  • ASIO investigations double, but are they looking in the right directions?
  • Data grab-bag likely to cause double trouble
  • Several moves afoot to achieve ‘Better Justice’
  • Brandis finds $17m for a propaganda exercise
  • Anzac motto demands whites never forget…but blacks must.
  • ‘Brave’ MPs now guarded by guns on floor of Parliament
  • TPP benefits to Australia? 0.00% over 10 years
  • US jails are just people dumps
  • Obama turns to human rights to fight terrorism
  • Canada’s top court forces parliament to decide on assisted dying
  • NY judges want overhaul of grand jury system.

Click to read this month’s CLArion ….

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