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NICNAT needs to fly high in Canberra

NICNAT needs to fly high in Canberra

NICNAT needs to fly high in Canberra

The Australian Public Service Commissioner, John Lloyd (photo), has this month confirmed there’s an urgent need for a new federal integrity body.

In the first submission to the committee of parliament inquiring into the issue, dated March 2017 and basically updating the PSC’s submission of a year ago, Mr Lloyd has made these statements:

  • “Only” (Mr Lloyd’s word) 228 people were sacked, out of 1866 misconduct investigations, Mr Lloyd writes. CLA says that’s 12%.
  • Of the 717 cases finalised under the PS Commission’s Code of Conduct investigations, 106 public servants behaved corruptly. CLA says that’s 15%.
  • “Only” (Mr Lloyd’s word) 4% of public service employees have seen someone acting corruptly, Mr Lloyd says. That’s a huge number, CLA says.

Given there’s about 155,000 public servants, the “4% corrupt sightings” means there’s probably about 6000 public servants who have been seen to be acting corruptly.

If Mr Lloyd is catching only 334 of them (228 plus 106), he needs help urgently to clean up a public service which, by his own admission, is more than just a little bit corrupt.

Looks like Mr Lloyd has adequately made out the case for why there needs to be a high-flying NICNAT…that is, a New Integrity Commission NATionally.

In fact, on Mr Lloyd’s figures, two NICNATS might be needed, one just for the public service, and one for the other crooks sucking on the teats of the nation.

Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd’s submission


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