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Nov 09 Newsletter – Greens betray trust over internet censorship

Nov 09 Newsletter – Greens betray trust over internet censorship

The Greens’ have chosen a candidate for the Higgins federal by-election who is rabidly pro-censorship of the internet – directly contrary to the Greens’ stance on the issue, so that they appear to be adopting the rubbery principles of other political parties. This month also sees wide-ranging abuses across most states and federally of liberties and rights…even as the government considers a major Human Rights Consultation Committee report.

As refugees lead the news cycle, it’s time to consider a seminal UN report just released and with Down Under connections, on the subject of migration around the world. The November newsletter airs bullying in all its forms – by ministers, politicians, police and prison officials – and highlights criticism by a state Chief Justice of over-the-top, law-and-order campaigners.

Internationally, a move for secret inquests causes outrage in the UK, while the USA is developing a heat ray to use on civilians.

Other issues covered include:

  • Palm Island inquest about to re-open
  • Govt must consult to end NT discrimination
  • Freedom of non-belief to get a rare airing
  • Lawyer calls for stun guns to be scrapped
  • ‘Inappropriate’ politicians’ comments criticised
  • Police bullies cost NSW $40,000 compensation
  • Australia Post becomes ‘Big Brother’ network hub
  • CIA buys social media monitoring firm
  • Japan frees innocent man after 17 years in jail
  • Prisoners get earlier release to save community funds

Click to read the this month’s CLArion

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