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Nov 2019 CLArion newsletter: At last, the tide of repressive laws appears to have turned – now for rebalancing liberties

Nov 2019 CLArion newsletter: At last, the tide of repressive laws appears to have turned – now for rebalancing liberties

The first glimmers of light have emerged for and end to draconian anti-terror laws, and a concerted community push to ensure freedom of the press. A parliamentary committee has sent a bill back for re-drafting. Rallies throughout Australia, backed by civil liberties, human rights and lawyer groups, are highlighting how perverse is the government’s continuing persecution of Witness K and Bernard Collaery. And at last a long-quiescent media has woken up to its responsibilities to safeguard all of our freedoms, including freedom of the press. We suddenly live in greater hope.

  • Collaery calls for whistleblower protection body
  • Urgent move to fix growing forensic disasters in courts
  • Much forensic science is bunkum, US reports say
  • FOI stands for Failure Of Integrity in Home Affairs
  • Uncultured government robs arts to pay spooks
  • Territorians live in a dictatorship
  • King aborts reporter’s one-year jail sentence
  • Chinese sensitivity sees a number of people in the poo

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